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Friday, 29 May 2015

Charly_Owl's Training Guides

Recently on the forums we stumbled upon some very excellent training guides done by Charly_Owl.  

His guides have excellent explanations and good graphics which make learning the various aircraft and helicopters in DCS much easier.  

If you want to print them best to take them to a print shop as there are many graphics to use up your ink!  Using them from a tablet would be a better option.

Here is an example from the DCS MiG-15bis:

Here are the links to the current set of Charly_Owl's guides and related forum threads:

We highly recommend them.


Monday, 18 May 2015

Challenger 2 Basic Vehicle Qualification Campaign Available Now!

We are pleased to announce that we have released our newest campaign: Challenger 2 Basic Vehicle Qualification.

Teaser Video:

This is a 10 mission campaign (with 1 introduction mission) that covers the following:

1. Land Navigation and Map Reading
2. Vehicle Navigation Day
3. Vehicle Navigation Night
4. Stationary Target Engagement Day
5. Stationary Target Engagement Night
6. Moving Target Engagement Day
7. Moving Target Engagement Night
8. Combat Formation Driving Test Day
9. Combat Proficiency Test Day
10. Combat Proficiency Test Night

Since this is our first Challenger 2 CA campaign we look forward to feedback from users to improve it.

We hope you enjoy it.


Thursday, 7 May 2015

The 10 Commandments of Mission Design Available for Download!

To help us come up with THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF MISSION DESIGN we posed this question on the ED Forums here.

Many talented and experienced mission designers replied with their thoughts, opinions and recommendations. 

This document summarizes their responses.   You can download it from ED's User Files section here.

Hopefully this will help all missions designers make great missions for DCS World!