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Monday 26 October 2015

Updated Old and Released New Packages for DCS World OpenBeta 1.5

With the release of DCS World OpenBeta 1.5 we have updated the existing OpenBeta packages and added some new ones.

The updated packages can be downloaded here:

OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C AAT Campaign Part A
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C AAT Campaign Part B
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C TTQ Campaign Part A
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C TTQ Campaign Part B

We have also updated the Practice Missions Packages for the A-10C BFT and AAT Campaigns:
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C BFT Practice Mission Package
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C AAT Practice Mission Package

Additionally we have added packages for the following:
OpenBeta 1.5 Su-27 BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 MiG-29G BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10A BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 F-15C BFT Campaign

Your mission key and password can be used to install these updated packages and your campaign progress will not be impacted as it is recorded in your logbook.


Saturday 17 October 2015

Su-27 Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaign Available Now!

Similar to our other successful Qualification Campaigns we have released a version for the Su-27.

This campaign has many improvements including updated graphics, additional voice overs and improved feedback results.  

Basic Flight Training Qualification - 12 mission Campaign covering qualifications for Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ).

1.5 OpenBeta Version: Basic Flight Training Qualification - 12 mission Campaign covering qualifications for Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ).

Basic Flight Training Qualification Documentation - Provides Mission Data Cards, Maps and Diagrams for all 12 missions of the campaign. 

Basic Flight Training Qualification Documentation 2 - Provides User Bars, Badges and Certificates for the Campaign.

The Su-27 Pilot Qualification Course has the following phases

Phase 1: Academic Classes and Pre-Flight Training

Phase 2: Basic Flight Training Qualification

Phase 3: Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification

Phase 4: Tactical Training Qualification

Phase 1 gives you Initial Qualification Training (IQT) and is a pre-requisite for Phase 2. Hopefully you have completed Phase 1 and are familiar with the Su-27 aircraft systems and instruments. If not, please read the Su-27 Flight Manual before continuing. 

Phase 2 gives you Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ). It is a pre-requisite for Phase 3. It is recommended that you complete this phase before proceeding to Phase 3. 

Phase 3 makes you Basic Mission Capable (BMC). It is a pre-requisite for Phase 4.

Phase 4 makes you Combat Mission Ready (CMR). This is necessary before proceeding on any real combat missions.

Phase 2 - Basic Flight Training Qualification contains:

Contact Stage (VFR):

1. Perform Ground Handling

2. Perform Take-Off and EFATO

3. Fly Traffic Pattern

4. Perform Approach and Landing

5. Perform Basic Maneuvers

6. Perform Advanced Handling

7. Perform Aerobatics

8. Respond to Emergencies

Instrument / Navigation Stage (IFR):

9. Instrument Approach (Landing)

10. Instrument Flight Plan Navigation

Formation Stage:

11. Fly 2 Ship as Wingman

Low-Level Stage

12. Fly Low-Level Flight Plan

This is a payware campaign that requires the purchase of a mission key to install.

More details can be found at our website here

We hope you enjoy it

Tuesday 6 October 2015

DCS World 1.5 BETA

Recently ED released the DCS World 1.5 BETA.

The BETA release is still a work in progress and we have found some bugs in the control of the AI aircraft that is effecting some of our missions.

We will be testing all of our missions and making corrections for items that will not be corrected by ED.

We do intend to release 1.5 BETA versions of our packages once some of the critical AI bugs have been corrected.

Please watch for these updated packages in the User Downloads section of the DCS Website.

Your mission key and password can be used to install these updated packages and your campaign progress will not be impacted as it is recorded in your logbook.


Thursday 1 October 2015

A-10C Basic Flight Training Campaign and Practice Missions Updated

The A-10C Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaign and practice mission package has been updated.

We corrected an issue found in BFT08 - Emergencies that stopped one of the triggers from firing properly on landing.  A game update changed the behavior of an altitude trigger.  We have removed it.

The updated package will be delivered using EDs module manager.  If you have not purchased the campaign you can get it from here:

A-10C BFT Campaign

And if you are not aware we have the Advanced and Tactical Training Qualification campaigns for the A-10C as well:

A-10C AAT Campaign

A-10C TTQ Campaign

Safe flights!