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Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Lest We Forget

Thank you!  

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.  

Thank you for your dedication and commitment.    

Thank you for your contribution to peace and freedom everywhere.  

Lest we forget.


Monday, 9 November 2015

Updated Old and Released New Packages for DCS World OpenBeta 1.5

We have made some more updates to the packages to work around some of the bugs in DCS 1.5.

The updated packages can be downloaded here:

OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C AAT Campaign Part A
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C AAT Campaign Part B
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C TTQ Campaign Part A
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10C TTQ Campaign Part B

Additionally we have updated these packages as well:
OpenBeta 1.5 Su-27 BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 MiG-29G BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 A-10A BFT Campaign
OpenBeta 1.5 F-15C BFT Campaign

Your mission key and password can be used to install these updated packages and your campaign progress will not be impacted as it is recorded in your logbook.

It appears the 1.5.1 may have introduced new bugs so we are testing against that version now and will provide more updates as the Beta unfolds.