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Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thanks to all our customers for a great 2019.  

We wish you and your families all the best this holiday season. 

 Safe Flights!

Thursday, 21 November 2019

FA-18C Aggressors BFM Campaign Now Available on STEAM

We are pleased to announce that ED have released our FA-18C Aggressors BFM Campaign on STEAM!



The campaign puts you in the cockpit of an FA-18C Hornet, as a new Aggressor pilot with VFC-12 the "Fighting Omars" on loan to the 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base. 

Based on real world procedures you will fly as Red Air against Blue Air Forces. Upon arrival you will fly a familiarization flight around the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). Then you will face a series of challenging Basic Fighter Maneuver (BFM) missions against similar and dis-similar aircraft.

Your opponents include the F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16C, F/A-18C, M-2000C, MiG-29G, CF-188, MiG-21 and Su-27.

Additionally there are 12 single player practice missions with in-air starts so you can perfect your BFM tactics, techniques and procedures.

There are over 1000 voice-overs and over 45 pages of briefing material including the RED FLAG Spins, Red Forces In Flight Guide, Maps, Diagrams, Custom Knee-boards and Mission Data cards.


Monday, 11 November 2019

In Honor of All Veterans Today...

We want to thank all veterans across all armed forces who have and continue to combat the forces of evil so that freedom and democracy can continue.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment.    

Thank you for your contribution  and sacrifice.

We are eternally in your debt.


Thursday, 3 October 2019

DCS F-16C Viper Released to OpenBeta

ED has released their F-16C Viper module into early access (OpenBeta). Later, it will be released on the “Stable” version.

This has been a rapid development due to an incredibly hard-working team and leveraging the technology and know how created for the FA-18C Hornet module. Both products will now move ahead in parallel and benefit from each other.

We can't wait until we can start making 
campaigns for this aircraft!

Safe Flights!    

Saturday, 7 September 2019

New DCS Models Coming Soon!

Some new models are coming to DCS World!
For World War 2: 

For Modern Warfare: 

These will make excellent additions to DCS World and we look forward to using them in upcoming campaign missions!

Safe Flights!    

Friday, 30 August 2019

AERO2019 - The Red Arrows

On Tuesday August 13th we had the pleasure of attending a special event in Gatineau Quebec.

The airshow was featuring the Red Arrows plus a few other performances.

This was the start of the Red Arrows North American Tour.

The weather was excellent and all the performers did a great job.

You can view some of the pictures we took of the static displays and performances here.

Happy flying!    

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Sydy FA-18C Aggressor BFM Videos

Sydy has produced some excellent dogfight videos using our recently released FA-18C Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers campaign.

If you are having trouble beating the AI bandits please watch his videos for some excellent one vs one guns only dogfight tactics and techniques!

His complete playlist is here.  

These experiences will certainly help you especially if you plan to participate in the recently announced Folds of Honor Fight for Honor 2019 charity event.

Many thanks to Sydy for taking the time to record and publish his experience so everyone can benefit.

Safe flights!

Saturday, 3 August 2019

AERO 2019 Gatineau-Ottawa

We have been accepted as part of the media team to cover AERO 2019 at the Gatineau-Ottawa Airport this year.

On August 13th the famous Red Arrows will be starting their North American tour.

In addition some other unique and historically significant aircraft will be flying and on static display. 


We will also be covering the formal airshow in September.

We plan to take many great pictures and will post them up in an online album as soon as we can. 


Safe flights!

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

FA-18C Aggressors BFM Campaign Now Available for the OpenBeta

We are pleased to announce that ED have released our FA-18C Aggressors BFM Campaign for the OpenBeta!



The campaign puts you in the cockpit of an FA-18C Hornet, as a new Aggressor pilot with VFC-12 the "Fighting Omars" on loan to the 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base. 

Based on real world procedures you will fly as Red Air against Blue Air Forces. Upon arrival you will fly a familiarization flight around the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). Then you will face a series of challenging Basic Fighter Maneuver (BFM) missions against similar and dis-similar aircraft.

Your opponents include the F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15C, F-15E, F-16C, F/A-18C, M-2000C, MiG-29G, CF-188, MiG-21 and Su-27.

Additionally there are 12 single player practice missions with in-air starts so you can perfect your BFM tactics, techniques and procedures.

There are over 1000 voice-overs and over 45 pages of briefing material including the RED FLAG Spins, Red Forces In Flight Guide, Maps, Diagrams, Custom Knee-boards and Mission Data cards.


Saturday, 15 June 2019

New Carrier Deck Crew Animation

As DCS continues to develop as the best combat flight simulator on the planet they continue to push the boundaries on object animation.


Their upcoming Carrier module will provide animated deck crew to further increase realism.  Here are a few examples below:


These should make for an awesome, realistic carrier experience when flying the FA-18C Hornet or F-14 Tomcat!


Friday, 7 June 2019

Osprey Publishing providing 75th Anniversary D-Day Desktop Wallpapers

Osprey Publishing known for their excellent combat and military books has released a set of free 75th anniversary D-Day Desktop Wallpapers.

Here is a sample:



You can view the entire set here.


Thursday, 6 June 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary

We want to thank all veterans today, and especially those that gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy 75 years ago.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment.    

Thank you for your contribution  and sacrifice.

We are eternally in your debt.


Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

We recently noticed this very cool trailer for a new Vietnam era war movie.  

Some Huey and F-4 Phantom action.


 Safe Flights!

Friday, 10 May 2019

Stingers Combat Video!

The Stinger's have recently released a campy and humorous video of their recent combat missions. 


 Safe Flights!