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Friday, 6 June 2014

A-10C Tactical Training Qualification Campaign Part A Released!

We have released Part A of the A-10C Tactical Training Qualification Campaign!

You can read about the the campaign series here:  
DCS A-10C Flight Qualification Campaign

We have put more effort into each mission to make the environment seem as real as possible.

As in our previous campaigns, Mission Data cards and other campaign documentation are also provided in A5 format to fit your kneeboard. They can be downloaded here: A-10C Tactical Training Qualification Documentation.

We have also released the Combat Mission Ready (CMR) Badge, Certificate and User Bars. They can be downloaded here: A-10C Tactical Qualification Campaign User Bars, Badges and Certificates.

We have decided to release Part A  of the campaign first before Part B is finished to allow users to start playing this campaign as soon as possible.  

This will also allow us to collect feedback and make any adjustments to Part B before it is released.

We hope you enjoy this campaign as much as we enjoyed creating it.

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