F-15C Basic Flight Training Qualification Campaign Available Now!
This campaign has many improvements including updated graphics, additional voice overs and improved feedback results. Many of the enhancements are being propagated back to the A-10C campaign and we hope to release the updated version soon.
Basic Flight Training Qualification - 12 mission Campaign covering qualifications for Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ).
The F-15C Pilot Qualification Course has the following phases
Phase 1: Academic Classes and Pre-Flight Training
Phase 2: Basic Flight Training Qualification
Phase 3: Advanced Aircraft Training Qualification
Phase 4: Tactical Training Qualification
Phase 1 gives you Initial Qualification Training (IQT) and is a pre-requisite for Phase 2. Hopefully you have completed Phase 1 and are familiar with the F-15C aircraft systems and instruments. If not, please read the F-15C Flight Manual before continuing.
Phase 2 gives you Basic Aircraft Qualification (BAQ). It is a pre-requisite for Phase 3. It is recommended that you complete this phase before proceeding to Phase 3.
Phase 3 makes you Basic Mission Capable (BMC). It is a pre-requisite for Phase 4.
Phase 4 makes you Combat Mission Ready (CMR). This is necessary before proceeding on any real combat missions.
Phase 2 - Basic Flight Training Qualification contains:
Contact Stage (VFR):
1. Perform Ground Handling
2. Perform Take-Off and EFATO
3. Fly Traffic Pattern
4. Perform Approach and Landing
5. Perform Basic Maneuvers
6. Perform Advanced Handling
7. Perform Aerobatics
8. Respond to Emergencies
Instrument / Navigation Stage (IFR):
9. Instrument Approach (Landing)
10. Instrument Flight Plan Navigation
Formation Stage:
11. Fly 2 Ship as Wingman
Low-Level Stage
12. Fly Low-Level Flight Plan
This is a payware campaign that requires the purchase of a mission key to install.
More details can be found at our website here.
We hope you enjoy it
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